Saturday, November 10, 2007

I bet your cat can't do this

This is a video I took of my cat on my cellphone a while ago. I don't let him go outside anymore.


Meghna said...

Hi gary,
Your blog is really funny! I can't believe someone can be so humorous! I love your work and sense of humor! It's not damn crap at all. Loved the video. i don't have a cat so I can't tell you if another cat can do it but it's surely unique!
Loved the previous post which I wasted my time reading. Actually I don't think it was a waste of time at all as it made me laugh so much! Thanks for the comment on my blog.

Simon said...

Well, I had my neighbor's cat try the stunt. He couldn't do it though.

Jadie said...

I like what your cat did..
Really a good stunt..

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Worthy of being in one of those crazy cat videos!!!!

Gary said...

Heh, yeah, he is crazy all right. I'm wondering if I can get him to do it again, and get better video of it. I don't want to though, because once he gets over the fence I have to chase him all over the neighborhood.